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For AA® Members, Groups, and Service Entities.
A place to exchange information, ideas, and opinions.

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A.A. Loners Email Meeting

An email list is available for A.A.members living more than two hours from the nearest meeting.

"AA Loners" is a specialized meeting for loners and internationalists. Therefore, if you are not a loner or internationalist, we encourage you to browse the many regular online meetings available (see the Meeting Directories maintained by the Online Intergroup).

For more information or to subscribe to the Loners Meeting email list, visit the AA Loners web site at:

The meeting is international, and because of time zone differences you may not receive an immediate reply. However, you should hear back within a few hours (or a day at the longest).

Though the meeting is hosted by OSO, as with all meetings and groups it is an autonomous AA entity, maintained and led by AA members. Please contact AA Loners for further information, not OSO.

Need Help for a Drinking Problem?
If you've reached these pages because you need help for a drinking problem right now ...
... we suggest that you contact the Online Intergroup. Help is available by email 24 hours a day in many languages.
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If you are looking for general information about Alcoholics Anonymous ...
... we suggest that you browse the primary AA web site. There you will also find links and contact information for offices throughout the world.
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If you are looking for an AA meeting ...
... we suggest that you visit our links directory.
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